The Timeline

Launched in January 2009, the Moross Greenway Project sprouted from a Grosse Pointe Farms Beautification Commission discussion about the declining landscape on the median islands of Moross Road. Six years of planning and fundraising later, ground was broken in the Fall of 2015, with planting completed in the Spring of 2017.

Who We Are

The Moross Greenway Project is a 501©3 non-profit organization, formed as a collaboration of stakeholders on Detroit’s Eastside and comprising area civic groups, churches, businesses and garden clubs. Today, hundreds of additional volunteers representing area schools, businesses, and neighborhood and civic organizations come together for special projects which maintain and improve the Moross Road greenspace.

Project Impact

With the addition of thousands of trees, shrubs and perennial plants, along with the organization’s commitment to maintain these island beds, the Greenway has invested in the future of Detroit’s Eastside neighborhood. For those who live here, it is a contributor to sustained, or even increasing, property values. For the thousands who travel Moross Road daily to work or points afar, it is a wellspring of community pride and a spark igniting continued beautification efforts.

Future Plans

The Moross Greenway Project is an ongoing one, with new developments and improvements as funding allows. Future additions to the Project will include rotating art installations on three islands and solar-powered decorative street lighting.

Board Of Directors

Ed Gotfredson


Sheila O’Hara

Vice President

Lynda English Altovilla


Roger Garrett – Art Committee Chair

Laura Monahan

Mildred Hurley

Shane Reeside – City of Grosse Pointe Farms

Matt Hurley

Trevor King

Collaborative Partners

Southern Gardener

Henry Ford St. John Hospital & Medical CenterBacker Landscaping
City of Detroit
City of Grosse Pointe Farms
Cornerstone Village
Grace Community Church
Grosse Pointe Chamber of Commerce
Grosse Pointe Farms Beautification Commission
The Greening of Detroit
Wayne County

By The Numbers









Years of planning and fundraising

Moross Road islands that make up the Project



Trees planted in June 2011 with The Greening of Detroit


Weekly island grass cuttings the Project has sponsored